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北京华意世通广告有限公司是一家集广告标识设计制作安装售后服务为一体的现代化综合性的广告公司,公司主要致力于广告标识系统策划与制作;营造企业品牌形象整体空间艺术;以及夜景照明灯光设计与安装;公司以新视觉为设计理念,为客户提供全方位的广告标识视觉系统解决方案,公司生产车间6000多平米,现代化电脑数控成套先进的(喷绘机、写真机、亚克力吸塑机、雕刻机、等离子切割机、激光焊字机、电脑数控围字机等)广告生产设备,以及*的设计师、精湛的技术人员和安装队伍。北京华意世通广告有限公司是华北大区 专业的广告标识、VI系统解决方案制造商公司以绿色环保、节能耐用为基材,把*完美的产品交付给客户。   公司本着信誉至上、注重质量、优质选材、平价快捷、真诚合作的经营理念,取得了广大客户的好评.公司理念:创新------------优质------------平价------------快捷------------企业精神:满足客户的需求---公司的经营理念新技术、新科技、新市场、新理念---确保公司持继发展安全、优质、团结、进取、务实---达到目标的基本动力管理者精神: 有承担责任的魄力勇气,对顾客、股东及上属真诚负责,不居功、不推卸、不气馁下属的表现就是自己的表现,只营不理、只责不教就等于渎职管理者的水平直接影响公司的水平,公司的好坏,就是管理的好坏对公司的经营问题要勇理直谏,不畏缩,共同缔造坚强的营理根基员工精神: 努力、进取、发展自我专心、用心谨守岗位,待人如己,相信团队合作的价值对问题不回避、不推托改善不足、锐意进取我们的工作观: 社会需要我们――我们为社会提供有竞争力的服务公司需要我们――我们为公司提供有价值的贡献没有把工作做好,等于没有工作一个对工作不负责的人不值得他人的信赖你的小失误可能给他人 烦每个员工所赚取的不应只是工资,是别人的尊重、认同和信任,这些是要靠自己赚回来,并不是要求回来我们的价值观: 为打造企业形象标识市场做贡献,品牌就是一个企业的品质。每个公司都在打造品牌,而更重要的是铸造产品品质,有了品质就等于铸就了品牌。损害客户利益,就是损害自己和每一个在职员工的利益,因此每个员工依靠的就是企业的品牌.我们的团队观: 要取胜,必定要从自己开始,建立团队协作精神不鼓励个人主义,个人成就是整体努力的成果,是整体共同创造的光辉的一部分。宽厚容人是建立团队的 良方,而没有团队精神,企业注定失败,也是个人的失败。福利待遇: 没有*高,只有更高;福利待遇和公司效益挂钩,人人有责提升。我们的共同理想: 做市场楷模 创行业品牌 Beijing Huayi WorldCom Advertising Co.,is a set design installation as one of the modern comprehensive advertising company, the company is committed to planning and production of advertising identification system; the art of corporate brand image overall space; and night lighting lighting design and installation; a new visual design concepts, new technology to create products, new products occupy the market. Provide a full range of advertising identifies the vision system solutions for customers, the company production base is located in the South Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Shibalidian over 5000 square meters, production workshop, modern sets of advanced computer numerical control (inkjet printers, photo machines, acrylic plastic machine, engraving machine, advertising production equipment, plasma cutting machine, etc.), and experienced designers, skilled technical staff and installation teams.I now carry out a complete set of the VI system solutionsTo green as the substrate, the most energy-efficient product delivery to customersReputable companies in the first, focus on quality, high-quality selection of cheap shortcut, the business philosophy of sincere cooperation, and achieved the majority of customers. Corporate philosophy: innovation ------------ quality ----- ------- parity ------------ ------------ spirit of enterprise: new technologies to meet customers' needs --- the company's business philosophy, new technology, new markets, new ideas - to ensure continuous development of safe, high quality, united, progressive, pragmatic --- achieve the target power managers spirit: responsibility of resolute courage, customers, shareholders and are responsible for in good faith, does not claim credit, not to shirk, do not be discouraged subordinate's performance is its own performance, just ignore the camp, only responsibility is not to teach is tantamount to dereliction of duty manager level directly affect the level of the company, the company's good or bad, that is, management good or bad on the company's operating Yong reason Zhijian, not shrink, to create a strong business rationale the spirit of the foundation staff: efforts, progress, development of self-attentive, heart keep the positions of others as yourself, to believe that the value of teamwork, problem does not evade, do not quibble improve inadequate, and forge ahead in our work concept: social needs us - we provide the community with a competitive service company we need to - we provide a valuable contribution to not do a good job mean that there is no one pair is not responsible for people not worth the small mistakes of others trust you may give him the people's congresses trouble earned by each employee should not only salary, is respected by others, recognition and trust, these rely on their own money back not asked to come back to our values: To build the corporate identity market to contribute to the quality of the brand is a enterprises. Each company to build the brand, but more important is the quality of casting products, have a quality equal to cast the brand. Damage the interests of customers, is to the detriment of their interests in each and every one of the employees, each employee is to rely on the corporate brand. Our team concept: To win, must be from the beginning, team-building team spirit does not encourage individualism, personal The achievements of the overall effort is part of the overall work together to create brilliant. Generous guest, is the sole remedy of the team building, team spirit, the enterprise is doomed to failure, personal failure. Benefits: There is no maximum, only better; benefits and effectiveness of the company linked to, is everyone's responsibility to upgrade. Our common vision: to do a market model for record industry brandBeijing Huayi WorldCom Advertising Co., Ltd. Is a set design installation as one of the modern comprehensive advertising company, the company is committed to planning and production of advertising signs; shaping the overall artistic space; and lighting design and installation of night lighting; company to The new visual design concepts, new technology to create products, new products occupy the market. Provide a full range of advertising identifies the vision system solutions for customers, the company production base is located in the South Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Shibalidian over 5000 square meters, production workshop, modern sets of advanced computer numerical control (inkjet printers, photo machines, acrylic plastic machine, engraving machine, advertising production equipment, plasma cutting machine, etc.), and experienced designers, skilled technical staff and installation teams.I now carry out a complete set of the VI system solutionsTo green as the substrate, the most energy-efficient product delivery to customersReputable companies in the first, focus on quality, high-quality selection of cheap shortcut, the business philosophy of sincere cooperation, and achieved the majority of customers. Corporate philosophy: innovation ------------ quality - ----------- parity ------------------------ spirit of enterprise: new technologies to meet customers' needs --- the company's business philosophy, new technology, new markets, new ideas - to ensure continuous development of safe, high quality, united, progressive, pragmatic --- achieve the target power managers spirit: responsibility of resolute courage, customers, shareholders and are responsible for in good faith, does not claim credit, not to shirk, do not be discouraged subordinate's performance is its own performance, just ignore the camp, only responsibility is not to teach is tantamount to dereliction of duty manager level directly affect the level of the company, the company's good or bad, that is, management good or bad on the company's operating Yong reason Zhijian, not shrink, to create a strong business rationale the spirit of the foundation staff: efforts, progress, development of self-attentive, heart keep the positions of others as yourself, to believe that the value of teamwork, problem does not evade, do not quibble improve inadequate, and forge ahead in our work concept: social needs us - we provide the community with a competitive service company we need to - we provide a valuable contribution to not do a good job mean that there is no one pair is not responsible for people not worth the small mistakes of others trust you may give him the people's congresses trouble earned by each employee should not only salary, is respected by others, recognition and trust, these rely on their own money back not asked to come back to our values: To build the corporate identity market to contribute to the quality of the brand is a enterprises. Each company to build the brand, but more important is the quality of casting products, have a quality equal to cast the brand. Damage the interests of customers, is to the detriment of their interests in each and every one of the employees, each employee is to rely on the corporate brand . Our team concept: To win, must be from the beginning, team-building team spirit does not encourage individualism, personal The achievements of the overall effort is part of the overall work together to create brilliant. Generous guest, is the sole remedy of the team building, team spirit, the enterprise is doomed to failure, personal failure. Benefits: There is no maximum, only better; benefits and effectiveness of the company linked to, is everyone's responsibility to upgrade. Our common vision: to do a market model for record industry brand





公司别称 北京华意世通广告

所属行业 广告/创意

公司规模 公司未添加公司规模

员工规模 50-99人


五险一金 周末双休 年底双薪 加班补助

工商信息 数据由天眼查提供







